Compassionate Pet Solutions
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Feline Behavior

Cats are unique creatures with different needs and motivations then dogs. Most behavior problems with cats center around their behavioral needs not being meet or stress in their lives.  I work with owners to meet those behavioral needs and reduce any sources of stress. I want to strengthen the bond between the owner and their cat so they can further enjoy their loving relationship.  I don't believe using fear or intimidation on a cat will ever resolve a behavior issue and believe those training methods often make problems worse.  My training methods revolve around rewarding good behavior and preventing or discouraging bad behavior. I believe training should be as stress free as possible for both the owner and the cat.  A lot of cats are fearful around strangers so if is often not necessary for the behaviorist to work hands-on with the cat.  I teach owners how to change a cats behavior.  I am an expert in treating inappropriate elimination and can work with your veterinarian to help resolve these behaviors if needed.  I have been working with cats for over 25 years and have experience treating most feline behavior problems.



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